All our meats are freshly frozen for ease of storage and safe handling.
All prices are *AVERAGE PRICES* Please see item details for price per pound and average weights per package. Thank you!
Featured Products
Bundle Deals
Our Next To Your Door Delivery Date:
• Tuesday, Dec 17th
To Your Door Deliveries:
Any of our products can be delivered straight to your door! Here’s the scoop:
1. Check out our schedule above for your location and delivery day.
2. Place an order over $60 on our web site. Tiered delivery fee; $60-$100 = $9. $100.01-$200= $7. $200.01-$300 = $4.00. $300.01+ is free delivery.
3. We will confirm your order and weigh out everything, then we will send you an email invoice to pay online through credit card. 4% service fee will be applied.
4. Place a cooler on your doorstep on designated day, we drive by and fill it up with great pasture raised products!
Meat Sticks
Delicious sausage made from our pasture raised Pork. No nitrites or nitrates!
Chicken And Eggs
Pasture Raised Chicken and Eggs.
Non GMO. No antibiotics. No hormones. No medicated feed.
Eggs continue year round.
From the time we get our pigs they are raised on the pasture out in the fresh air and sunshine! In addition to rooting and foraging they receive non GMO grain.
Our Practices:
Our beef is pasture raised. In addition to pasture, they receive a small portion of non GMO oats which replicate their natural diet with mature seed heads. They also receive a small amount of fermented wheat and barley. We feel this combo produces a flavor which is unparalleled!
We have a cow/calf herd for the majority of our beef. In addition to our own herd, we will sometimes source younger animals from local farmers and from the time we get them, they are raised on pasture according to our standards.